DO God’s Will in order to OPERATE with the Gift.
Freely Given
Just as Jesus freely forgave the woman who washed His feet despite her many sins, the gift of the Divine Will is freely given to us by God. Like the woman who did not deserve Jesus’ mercy, we can neither deserve nor merit the gift of operating with God’s Will. However, redemption paved the way for the gift of operating with God’s Will to be given to us through Jesus - the perfect sacrifice to make us righteous before God. And it is now during our times God has revealed to us the gift of living in His Divine Will for His glory and our greatest happiness (CLICK HERE if you are unclear as to what ‘living in the Divine Will’ means).
Although we can never deserve nor merit this gift and it is FREELY given, there are some things take us OUT of the Divine Will. After all, in order to operate with the gift of God’s Divine Will, we first of all must be DOING GOD’S WILL. One cannot operate with God and be committing sinful acts at the same time.
James Tissot (French, 1836-1902). Jerusalem Jerusalem
Satanic Practices
Because of society, many people - including Catholics - are often not aware certain activities are actually sinful. Such activities draw us away from God’s Will and completely take us OUT of God’s Divine Will.
This page is written specifically to share about activities accepted by society which are actually Satanic at their roots.
By knowing about these Satanic practices, one can discern what activities to avoid in order to DO and OPERATE WITH God’s Divine Will. Several informative links are offered to educate Christians on specific Satanic practices that take away the gift of operating with God’s Will.
James Tissot (French, 1836-1902). The Ointment of the Magdalene
So how does one know if he/she is doing God’s Will?
We have the bible, Church tradition, our consciences, as well as the working of the Holy Spirit within our souls to inform us on what activities honor God and what dishonors Him (sin). And the activities that honor God are endless; doing God’s Will is FULL of possibilities!
One could decide to garden, type a letter, mow the lawn or wash the dishes - all of these activities are sinless activities. And they can all be completed with the intention of doing them WITH GOD’S WILL, FOR GOD’S WILL AND IN GOD’S WILL. God does not mind which activity of these one chooses as long as one is not aware of something else he/she should be doing (like perhaps dropping their kids off at school). Each of these activities are sinless and can be done with the intention of doing them with, in and for God’s Will. And this way of operating brings great glory to God, merit for us and draws down graces upon souls in the world, in purgatory and in heaven.
We of course know that sinful activities cannot be done with God’s Divine Will. So we cannot say we are living in God’s Will and at the same time hitting our pets, cursing God’s name, making fun of our neighbor or neglecting our duties as parents or spouses. Doing such sins take us out of God’s Divine Will.
However, confession of sin and a renewal of the intention to operate with God’s Divine Will bring us back to operating with God’s Divine Will. God offers His abundant mercy to bring us back into His Divine Will and to receive again the GIFT - His WILL.
A few articles to get you started! Topics addressed…
Eastern meditation
6 Reasons to Reject Eastern Meditation and Yoga
(apologies for all the ads)
Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as an Alternative Therapy by the Committee on Doctrine United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on some Aspects of Christian Meditation by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger,1989, now Pope
Note: This document does not explicitly have the word yoga in it but yoga is part of the Eastern practice and it is base on hinduism. Although #28 in this document the Cardinal uses the term "physical exercises."
Aspects of Christian meditation (also posted on Wikipedia).
Article is from the same letter to the Bishops, “warning of the dangers of attempting to mix Christian meditation with eastern approaches since that could be both confusing and misleading, and may result in the loss of the essential Christocentric nature of Christian meditation.”
A Dangerous Practice
Enneagram purports to teach a path to enlightenment, a path that Church leaders find worrisome.