What are The Rounds?
Acts and Rounds are the activity of someone living in the Divine Will. Praying in God’s Will is what is known as the ‘Rounds.’ God loves us. We love God. The rounds are simply an exchange of love between us and God - a circle of love.
God the Father created everything in Creation for each soul, and He created each person for Himself. His desire was that each of us would return to Him an “I love you too God! I praise You! I thank you!” for all He created for us. Humans were designed to have a continual, intimate relationship with God - a constant flow of love going back and forth.
Adam was the 1st human God created for Himself, and He delighted in the exchange they gave each other of love. To make Adam’s love equal His own love, He gave Adam the use of His own Will with which to love Him - so they were able to be happy in sending each other waves of love back and forth. Adam did possess his own human will, but he kept it only to keep it fused with God’s Will.
In time, Adam decided to do his own will, and this caused God’s Will to separate from Adam’s will. Although God continued to sustain His creation of creatures, animals, plants, water, sky… Creation was turned up-side-down. Adam no longer was able to praise God as he once did on behalf of Creation, because he lost the universal acting, power and strength of God’s Will reigning in Him when he decided to operate with his will alone.
God is now returning to us the original grace He gave to Adam - the Gift to operate with God’s very own Will within us! This was made possible only by Jesus redeeming us from sin, and re-uniting us to a relationship with God.
Why should we pray them?
God still yearns for this exchange of love with each soul. In The Rounds, people living with the Gift of the Divine Will have the ability to go back in the past, the present and go into the future to gather up and take hold of all the acts of the human generations. They can cover everything with love, thanksgiving, praise, glory and honor - and give it back to God on behalf of everyone. In effect, they are able to make up for everybody - giving God what He deserves and yearns for.
In summary, by the power of the Divine Will operating within it, a soul can enter into the acts of Creation (like God creating the sun), Redemption (like Jesus being scourged by the executioners) and Sanctification (like the Holy Spirit in the sacraments of the Church and personal attention as in prayers of healing someone) to return to God all the Love, Praise and Thanksgiving God should have received from the beginning of time.
One great resource to understand the ‘Rounds’ is the illustrated book, “A Drop In The Immense Sea Of The Divine Will” (pg. 30).
“Round 1 - The Rounds of The Soul - Divine Will - by Luisa Piccarreta”
Here is an example of a round. Pray along as you listen and watch. This is a round written by Luisa Piccarreta.
The Types of Rounds
Rounds Of Creation
In the Rounds Of Creation, a soul takes hold of something of Creation, places one’s “I love you” on it, and gives it back to God on behalf of all souls.
“Father, I fuse myself in Your Divine Will. And in Your Will, I love You in Your creation of the star studded sky so I can return to You an ‘I love you’ for every twinkle of every star. I come to the sun which you created for me. And I receive all the light, warmth and effects of the sun to return it to You with my, “I love you, I thank you, I praise you and I glorify you.”
Rounds Of Redemption
In the Rounds Of Redemption, a soul takes hold of acts of Jesus, places one’s “I love you” on them, and gives them back to God on behalf of all souls.
“Father, I fuse myself in Your Divine Will. And now, I place my ‘I love you’ on the wounds of Jesus, and I give them to you on behalf of all souls to repair for our sins.”
The Hours Of The Passion (see below) are an example of The Rounds Of Redemption. They were dictated to Luisa from Jesus, who said he would grant salvation to a soul for every word prayed by a person living in the Divine Will from this book. He said these prayers came from the depths of his heart.
Rounds Of Sanctification
In the Rounds Of Sanctification, a soul takes hold of something related to the Era of Sanctification (which we are now living in), places one’s “I love You” on it, and gives it back to God on behalf of all souls.
“Father, I fuse myself in Your Divine Will. And now, I place my ‘I love you’ on the suffering of people dying from cancer, and I offer you this suffering on behalf of all souls, to bring sinners to repentance for their sins.”
How does one pray his/her own Rounds?
Fuse yourself in God’s Divine Will - desire to unite your Will with God’s Will.
Take hold of some part of creation, the redemption or sanctification.
Place your “I love you” on it” (or I praise you, I bless you, I honor you, I adore you, I thank you…)
Make the intention of giving it to God the Father for His glory.
Do it on behalf of everybody throughout all of time.
Ask God that His kingdom would reign on earth.
Rounds can be specific or general. You can give God an exchange of love for the dolphins He created, or for all the animals He created. Each is good - the main thing is to simply start giving God exchanges of love on behalf of everyone.
“Thus as a poor miserable creature do I offer you an act most complete and most holy, since I offer nothing of my own, but rather return to you all the glory from that which you have done.”
What is the Prevenient Act?
At the start of each day, those desiring to live in the Divine Will should make a Prevenient Act prayer (similar to a morning offering prayer). One does this in order to unite one’s will with God’s Will. This prayer channels all our acts for the rest of the day into God’s Will - transforming them into Divine Acts. And these Divine Acts (acts and rounds) overtime will usher in the reign of God’s Kingdom on earth - the Era of Peace - the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer.
Saint Faustina prayed Round prayers too. Painting courtesy of artist Mona Nelson
Sr. Faustina in the Era of Redemption has her own position that should be noted as an exhortation to give honor and praise for God’s love and mercy. Isaiah and Daniel in beautiful ways serve as prophecies to what is to come but only Luisa’s writings were given to usher in the third Fiat. Eternal Will. We now pray in a way far different than St. Faustina and all the saints of the past.
“O my most compassionate Creator, I want to give You worship on behalf of all creatures and all inanimate creation; I call on the whole universe to glorify Your mercy. Oh, how great is Your goodness, O God! 1750. Be adored, O our Creator and Lord. O universe, humbly glorify your God; Thank your Creator to the best of your powers. And praise God’s incomprehensible mercy.”