
Jesus revealed to Luisa Piccarreta in the Book of Heaven what the “Our Father” prayer meant and how it will come to pass. These revelations of 36 volumes were compiled into the BOOK OF HEAVEN. You can read this book here FREE to learn the meaning of Jesus’ prayer.

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Learn about the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer through the writings of Luisa Piccarreta - The Book Of Heaven.

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Jesus prayed His Father’s Will be done on earth as it is done in heaven ( Matthew 6:9-13). And He taught us to pray that prayer as well. But when we look around, it doesn’t really look like God’s Will is being done on earth as it is in heaven. So did Jesus pray this prayer in vain? No - the fulfillment of The Our Father prayer is happening now.

Click to Download Book or Buy On Amazon - this book is for children and adults to better understand Living In The Divine Will.


Around the world small groups are forming to discuss it. Our group, called “Little Children In The Divine Will” meets in Duluth, MN. (You are welcome to join us!) Jesus appeared many times to a mystic named Luisa Piccarreta - Servant of God (1865 - 1947) from Corato, Italy with messages He wanted her to write down.

The messages were in regard to the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer. Jesus told Luisa that God’s Will will reign on earth one day just like it does in heaven - this is what He had prayed before His resurrection.

Jesus entitled the compilation of his messages to Luisa ‘The Book Of Heaven - The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which He was Created by God.’




Are all 36 volumes of the Book of Heaven approved by the Catholic Church? Do we have permission to share the volumes? How is Luisa Piccarreta viewed? Read the article offered on Mark Mallett’s website for answers to these questions and more.



Luisa Piccarreta was an Italian mystic who was born on April 23, 1865 and died March 4th, 1947. During her life, she was dictated by Jesus the Book of Heaven (36 volumes). The book explained the gift of the Divine Will, and how God’s Will would come to reign on the earth as it reigns in heaven. She also wrote other books including, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, as well as the Hours of the Passion.

She was in constant obedience to her confessors and to the teachings of the Catholic Church during her life. One of her confessors was St. Hannibale Maria di Francia - a canonized saint with a statue dedicated to him in St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican (CLICK HERE to see video) by Pope Benedict XVI.


Before his death on June 1st, 1927, St. Hannibal Di Francia was the official appointed censor of Luisa Piccarreta’s writings. He worked hard to get the first 19 volumes of the Book fo Heaven published. He was a major advocate of the volumes.

His efforts were rewarded when in 1926 volumes 1-19 of Luisa’s spiritual diary was published with the Imprimatur of Archbishop Joseph Leo as well as the Nihil Obstat (of St. Hannibal Di Francia). Luisa herself is now in the process of canonization. In total, there are 36 volumes - all of which may be accessed on this website for free and shared. For more info on the timeline of the approval of Luisa’s writings, view the timeline and read the resources listed on Mark Mallett’s WEBSITE >.

His Kingdom Will
Reign On Earth

Jesus told Luisa in one of his messages, “Blessed daughter, what is impossible for men, is completely possible for God. And if it were impossible that My Will could Reign on earth as in Heaven, My all Paternal Goodness would not have taught the Prayer of the Our Father, because to make impossible things prayed for, I would not have done; nor would I have recited it with so much Love as first, placing Myself at the Head of all; nor would I have taught it to the Apostles so that they could teach it to the whole world as the most Beautiful and most Substantial Prayer of My Church.” (Volume 31, Feb. 24, 1933)

A Brief Intro to the Divine Will by Father Bount

 And another wonderful video by Frances Hogan giving an introduction to the Gift of the Divine Will.

Frances Hogan has several audio recordings that help one better understand various volumes from the Book of Heaven. CLICK HERE to listen to the recordings.

“I must make the fruit of My taught Prayer arise…”


“Therefore, if it would have been impossible that My Divine Will come to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven, I would have taught a prayer useless and without effect, and I do not know how to do useless things. At the most I wait even for centuries, but I must make the fruit of My taught Prayer arise, even more because Gratuitously, without anyone having told Me, I gave this Great Good that My Will would be done on earth as It is in Heaven.” (Volume 31, Feb. 24, 1933)


The Greatest Gift
Ever Given To Mankind

What Jesus explains in The Book Of Heaven, is that He not only redeemed mankind from sin - opening up the gates of heaven to mankind once again - AND He also restored a precious gift that Adam and Eve had before the fall. It was and is the greatest Gift ever given to mankind.

“My daughter, it was the Regal Gift that your Jesus made to the human generations, as Fulfillment of My Redemption. My Love was not yet content, My sufferings had not brought Me Full Satisfaction; I wanted, I wanted to still give, I wanted to see My Heaven on earth in the midst of My children. Therefore, a few days before departing for Heaven, first I decided to give My Will on earth as It is in Heaven, and afterwards I taught the Our Father, in which I remained committed to giving this Great Gift. And your Jesus, when He commits Himself, never fails to keep His Word.”

— Volume 31, Feb. 24, 1933

The gift of living in the Divine Will is for anyone who desires it and surrenders their will to It.

Jesus told Luisa “By fusing herself in Me, the soul repeats all that I did, and continue to do. What will be the contentment of these souls who lived their lives in Me, embracing together with Me all creatures and all reparations, when they will be with Me in Heaven? They will continue their lives in Me; and as the creatures will think or will offend Me with their thoughts, these will be reflected in their minds, and they will continue the reparations which they did on earth. They will be, together with Me, the sentries of honor before the Divine Throne; and as creatures on earth will offend Me, they will do opposite acts in Heaven. They will guard my Throne; they will have the place of honor; they will be the ones who will comprehend Me the most - the most glorious. Their glory will be completely fused in Mine, and Mine in theirs.” (Book Of Heaven Vol. 12, March, 18 1917 Effects of fusing oneself in Jesus)


Mother Gabrielle Marie & The Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will discuss the Divine Will every week!
